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The school has adopted and follows the Local Authority Admission procedures. All admissions are dealt with by the Local Authority Admissions Officer, Mrs Helen Lewis.

For all children, a placement request must be submitted to the Local Authority. Application forms are available from school. A copy of the Local Authority Admissions policy is also available at school and here on our website (Policies and Documents page).

Prospective parents/carers are welcome to make an appointment to visit the school prior to submitting an application. If you would like to visit or find out more information please contact us on 01792 812285 or email us at . Any requests for admissions during the school year are also made through the Local Authority.

Children are admitted into the Nursery class shortly after their third birthday. Where possible, visits to the class are arranged for the child and parents/carers beforehand. To build strong relationships school visits are arranged by the class teacher prior to the child starting Nursery.

Pupils are admitted to full-time education in the September following their fourth birthday and admission requests to school are dealt with by the Local Authority.

The school admission team can be contacted on (01639) 763580/ (01639) 763730 or

The Neath Port Talbot School Admissions page can be accessed HERE