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Regular attendance and punctuality at school is essential. It is an important factor of your child’s progress in school and helps ensure children’s happiness and academic progress. Every school absence must be accounted for by a satisfactory explanation. This should be done by telephoning the school by 8.50 am on the first day of absence.  Failure to provide a satisfactory explanation for absence can lead to that absence being classed as unauthorised which may lead to enquiries being made by the school, or the Educational Welfare Officer (EWO).

The EWO is also involved with families in a supportive role, such as a management plan for a child’s return after illness.

Any holiday or planned term time absence will be considered on an individual basis. A request for absence form must be completed and these are available in the school office.

Our whole school percentage of attendance by pupils was 91.3% in 2022-23. Our target attendance for 2023-24 is 93%.